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The Ministry of Finances (MF)

Ministry of Finance - IT Budget Management System BeSTi@

Details of implementation

“The system has a three-level structure and is composed of subsystems for Territorial Self- Government Units (JST), Regional Financial Control Chambers and the Ministry of Finance. BeSTi@ serves mainly for transferring, collecting, processing and analyzing of reports data on JST budget execution, balances and budget Acts. Owing to the system implementation, the time of transferring information is shorter and the quality of data improved”, says Zofia Ogińska, the deputy director of the Office of Minister of Finances in an interview for a Magazine of Foundation for Polish Communes Promotion “Gmina”.

Client's profile

The Ministry of Finances (MF) is an office of government administration serving a Minister for state budget, public finances, and financial institutions.

One of the basic tasks of MF is to prepare, execute, and control the state budget. Moreover, the ministry busies itself with the system of financing territorial self-governments, the public sector and state security and manages public debt. MF is responsible for the execution of income and expenditures of the state budget (i.a. tax income), and for foreign financial, credit and payment cooperation as well as for execution of rules of law on customs and fiscal control.

MF carries out tasks concerning the functioning of the financial market, inclusive of banks, insurance agencies, investment funds and concerning trade with securities. Moreover, it initiates the governments policy on the securities market. The Minister of Finances controls through the agency of the Ministry the Head Inspector for Financial Information, the Head Inspector for Fiscal Control, directors of chambers and heads of tax offices and customs offices.