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Południowy Koncern Węglowy

TAURON Group - SAP ERP system

Details of implementation

The implementation of the ERP system adapted to the specificity of a mining company, in particular business processes according to which PKW operates, has improved the quality of customer service, facilitated the production planning process and mining management process, and streamlined the circulation of information and data entered to the system and generated by the system. This was achieved by providing a constant access to information in both mines and introducing uniform layouts of forms and reports generated by the system as well as a uniform layout of the available information. The development of a central data base covering all divisions related to sales enabled complete data integration within one system. Economic events are registered in the place of their occurrence; data concerning these events is available to employees at appropriate operating positions. Therefore, information necessary for making decisions at all management levels is of better quality, more complete, and easily accessible.

Client's profile

Południowy Koncern Węglowy logo

Południowy Koncern Węglowy- PKW (Southern Poland Coal Company) belongs to TAURON Group. It consists of two mining facilities of hard bituminous coal, i.e. Zakład Górniczy Sobieski in Jaworzno and Zakład Górniczy Janina in Libiąż. Annual coal output by PKW reaches 5 million tonnes. Coal is sold directly to Południowy Koncern Energetyczny (Southern Poland Power Company that belongs to TAURON Group) and to other clients in a dealing network, within the advising system, for cash and coupons (for the employees and pensioners). Since recently, PKW also sells aggregates and their mixtures, which are waste created during coal mining.