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Meritum Bank

Meritum Bank ICB S.A. - Implementation of def3000

Details of implementation

The project schedule assumed that works would be started in October 2008 and the system would be started for production in April 2009, after migration of data on current clients and contracts. The implementation of the system in Meritum Bank is an example of good planning and efficient accomplishment. The whole project was completed on time and within the pre-defined budget. The operation of starting the production version of the system itself was planned to an accuracy of 15 minutes and completed effectively in 60 hours. It involved over 150 people, who completed the total of over 500 tasks.

Client's profile

Meritum Bank logo

Meritum Bank ICB S.A. the former Bank Współpracy Europejskiej S.A., has operated in the Polish market since the middle of 1990. In November 2007, Innova/4 L.P. investment fund advised by Innova Capital became a majority shareholder of the bank. In January 2009, the name of the bank was changed to Meritum Bank and its registered office was moved from Wrocław to Gdańsk.Meritum Bank offers universalbanking products to individual middle-class clients. Its clients also include small companies (up to 10 million PLN of annual turnover) and people conducting individual business activities. The bank's portfolio contains many consumer finance products, including innovative cash and consolidation loans, and credit cards. In future, loan products offer will be increased with instalment and mortgage loans.