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Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej (City Thermal Power Company)

MPEC Olsztyn - Microsoft Dynamics AX

Details of implementation

To satisfy individual needs of the client, the following reports have been defined: the analysis of investment plans progress and the comparison of scheduled expenses with current ones. Concerning Human Resources and Salaries Department, the functions have been created which make it possible to account for labour in investment tasks. According to characteristics of the trade, the system services various working time systems, including continuous working system. It facilitates and automates the process of hiring seasonal workers. It supports the calculation of complex salary algorithms, taking into account annual bonuses and other award; then it conducts the account assignment of salaries.

Client's profile

The history of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej [the City Thermal Power Company] dates back to the end of 1950s and it is related to Zakład Cieplny Miejskiego Zarządu Budynków Mieszkalnych [Heating Company of the City Management of Residential Buildings]. The following years brought the series of legal transformations; in 1997, the single shareholder company of Gmina Miejska (the City District) was established. Since that time, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Spółka z o.o. has continued to strengthen its leading position in the heating market within its area of activity. At present it is a producer and distributor of thermal energy for 60% of the city’s consumers. MPEC Spółka z o.o. provides comprehensive heating services, using safe and environment-friendly technologies.