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Asseco has created common IT platform for cooperative banks

Asseco Poland has developed a solution that, thanks to the introduction of process standardization and service sharing, improves the operational efficiency and reduces the costs of banks. The Common Information Technology Platform (WPI) is a comprehensive IT solution offered in the SaaS model that can be used by many banks. It is the first such product on the Polish market.

Cooperative banks have a less complex organizational structure than commercial banks, as well as a lower level of specialization of individual units. Therefore, they have a greater need for automation and maximum simplification of service. Asseco Poland, in cooperation with cooperative banks, has created a solution that will enable the introduction of automation of some tasks and reduce operating costs of the entire organization.

A great opportunity for the development of the entire cooperative banking sector and a response to the growing costs of IT infrastructure is the standardisation of activities and the sharing of services. The Common IT Platform has allowed to introduce tools that can be used by many banks. The standardization of their work will facilitate customer service processes without losing individual features necessary to compete on local markets. This is the first solution in Poland that can be described as a "bank in the socket" because it contains everything a modern financial institution needs today for its current functioning and further development - said Andrzej Nowakowski, Director of Cooperative Banks Division at Asseco Poland.

The solution has been created in cooperation with the banks of the BPS Association. The Cooperative Bank in Lubaczów was the first to implement the Common IT Platform, while in the Cooperative Bank in Płońsk the implementation is at the final stage.

By observing the market and our customers, we came to a conclusion that a change was needed. The system we had no longer met our expectations because it did not allow for efficient­ integration with other tools available on the market that we wanted to­ implement. We were looking for a solution that would be comprehensive, expandable and accessible to all. During discussions with Asseco’s experts, we decided that the­ designed solution was to­ serve other cooperative banks. The implementation is expected to increase the business scale,­ rationalize costs and increase data security - said Dariusz Konofalski, CEO of the Cooperative Bank in Płońsk.

To meet the expectations of our customers, we decided to implement a modern system - the WPI platform, thanks to which they received access to new functionalities in Internet banking, soon mobile banking, or services such as My ID and BLIK. In addition, the new system has had a measurable impact on the quality and speed of service in the branches, thanks to which our customers and employees save time. All new offers are implemented much faster, which will surely translate into their competitiveness in relation to products offered on the market - said Paweł Kapel, CEO of the Cooperative Bank in Lubaczów.

The platform can be parameterized according to individual needs. Thanks to the solution, processes that are similar in all banks (accounting, billing, reporting, risk management, anti-money laundering, pricing) can be automated and consequently lead to lower back-office costs in each institution. At the same time the platform allows for individual shaping of areas independent for each bank, such as building an offer.

The Common Information Technology Platform (WPI) is available in the SaaS model, which reduces the costs associated with maintaining separate infrastructure and resources for their maintenance. Each bank using WPI receives an electronic banking solution, transaction system, reporting and analytical tool and intuitive omni-channel solutions. Asseco takes over the responsibility for the hardware infrastructure, maintenance of the server room, licenses and software updates, as well as daily closures.
