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Asseco leading Polish companies abroad

Asseco Group is among the largest companies doing business abroad. The assets of the Group subsidiaries* included in the Polish Companies Abroad ranking totaled nearly PLN 4.5bn in 2015. Asseco Group thus moved up in this year's list prepared by the Rzeczpospolita daily.


Marek Panek, Vice President of Asseco Poland – The growing share of our foreign subsidiaries in the overall revenues of the Group is observable, and it reached 78 percent after the first half of 2016. This is the result of our consistent development strategy within the international markets, as well as the result of building a global Polish IT company. Asseco’s development strategy is founded on, among others, sales of proprietary IT solutions, and being active in the acquisitions market. We already signed over 3700 contracts this year, and our foreign subsidiaries carried out a number of successful acquisitions, thus strengthening our position in sectors such as healthcare, defense, insurance and payments.


*  Matrix IT Ltd, Sapiens International Corporation N.V., Asseco South Eastern Europe, Asseco Central Europe Group
