Improve the quality of your communication with your audience.
Asseco VAMM is a platform supporting the largest media events in Poland. It provides customers with modern communication channels – SMS, Premium SMS, MMS, and IVR. They can be used to present information, send messages, transfer content, hold contests, auctions or marketing campaigns.
The VAMM platform cooperates with all mobile network operators in Poland. It provides reliable service for bulk text messaging, even with several million text messages delivered in just a few minutes. Moreover, it is used in user authentication processes in many commercial systems dedicated to B2C market and guarantees the execution of all commissioned campaigns and ad hoc mailings. It also allows direct billing – adding the charges to the telecom operator’s bill.
No expensive hardware platforms or own infrastructure required
Increased security for customers using your systems
Easier management of interactive sites and services
Complexity. Reliability. Effectiveness.
Provide customers with modern communication channels. Discover the benefits of the Asseco VAMM platform, which is compatible with all the solutions of mobile network operators in Poland.
Reduce costs.
Asseco VAMM is made available to customers on Asseco's infrastructure, which significantly reduces the cost of its deployment. Billing is based on the actual traffic – the fees incurred for each processed message sent through the platform. No subscription packages are required. Importantly, the business model can be individually tailored to the specifics and expectations of the customers.
Get full access.
Apart from the user interface, there is also an additional channel of access to the service – the interface created in Web Services technology. It allows for quick and efficient integration of Asseco VAMM with the client's systems. It is accessible from a web browser and provides a secure, encrypted connection requiring only prior authentication with a password.
Use reliable solutions.
The platform is installed in two independent data centres. Its main component is a queuing system that ensures reliable operation even with heavy traffic, such as media events or one-time password transmissions. It allows the customer to manage bulk SMS sending and efficiently handle millions of short text messages in just a few minutes. It also guarantees efficient execution of commissioned campaigns and ad hoc mailings.
Choose quality.
Asseco VAMM ensures the durability of data. It uses highly efficient programming languages to communicate with operator systems, which, through additional optimisation, allow for high quality and efficient communication. Other elements of the system are build in modern technologies based on Java language and application servers. This allows changes to be made quickly while maintaining adequate performance and security.
Act effectively.
The platform modules are built from multiple components, running in at least two instances, which guarantees continuity of operation even if more than one component fails. The system operates in secure server rooms, based on an infrastructure made up of dozens of modern servers.
Reliability of the platform confirmed by references.
We guarantee communication with the media.
Asseco VAMM has been built to support the largest media events in Poland – from entertainment programs to reality shows.
Support for charity.
Asseco VAMM also acts as an integrator of text-to-donate fundraising for:
Administratorem Pani/Pana danych jest Asseco Poland S.A. z siedzibą w Rzeszowie przy ul. Olchowej 14, 35-322 Rzeszów (administrator).
Informujemy, że podanie danych osobowych zawartych w formularzu jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do realizacji zapytania objętego formularzem, oraz że nie podejmujemy decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany i Pani/Pana dane nie są profilowane. Przysługuje nam prawo przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych na podstawie naszego prawnie uzasadnionego interesu jako administratora danych, w celach opisanych w Polityce Prywatności Asseco Poland S.A.
Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do Pani/Pana danych oraz prawo żądania ich sprostowania, przenoszenia, usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania oraz wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania.
Przysługuje Pani/Panu również prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego zajmującego się ochroną danych osobowych.
Pani/Pana dane mogą być przekazywane podmiotom przetwarzającym dane osobowe na zlecenie administratora, • podmiotom prowadzącym działalność pocztową lub kurierską, • podmiotom wspierającym administratora w prowadzonej działalności na jego zlecenie, w szczególności dostawcom zewnętrznych systemów wspierającym działalność administratora, przy czym takie podmioty przetwarzają dane na podstawie umowy z administratorem i wyłącznie zgodnie z poleceniami administratora.
W celu skorzystania z powyższych praw należy skontaktować się z administratorem danych lub z inspektorem ochrony danych na adres [email protected]