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Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

Comprehensive IT System for ZUS

Details of implementation

KSI ZUS processes more than 900 million documents per year, which is why one of its main elements is the Electronic Document Exchange Platform (EPWD). It is a workflow class solution (as defined by Workflow Management Coalition), which automates more than 300 types of business processes with the use of the BPEL engine and documentation digitization modules.

Client's profile

The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) is a state organizational unit, which collects social and health insurance contributions of citizens and pays benefits (for example pensions, disability, sickness or maternity benefits). Since its establishment, it has been one of the most modern and best organized institutions of this type in the world.

Currently, more than 25 million customers use ZUS’s services, which puts it in the top position among the largest financial institutions in Poland. The Social Insurance Fund’s financial resources, which, in accordance with the regulations, are distributed by ZUS, account for more than 30% of the state’s financial funds.