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  Number of shares and votes at the GSM % of votes at the GSM

Cyfrowy Polsat (1)

8 405 327 10.13%

Adam Góral Fundacja Rodzinna (2)

8 310 000 10.01%

Allianz OFE (3)

8 300 027 9.99%

Nationale-Nederlanden OFE (4)

4 171 121 5.03%

  39 004 956

Asseco Poland (5) - own shares*

  14 808 872

  83 000 303 100.00%

 *Own shares acquired under the buy-back announced on 6.09.2023. Pursuant to Art. 364 Item 2 of the Commercial Companies Code, Asseco Poland S.A. does not exercise voting rights attached to own shares.

(1) According to the notification received by the Company on SEP 25, 2023, based on current report no. 30/2023
(2) According to the notifications received by the Company on APR 26, 2024, based on current report no. 6/2024 and current report no. 7/2024
(3) According to the notification received by the Company on NOV 20, 2023, based on current report no. 35/2023
(4) According to the notification received by the Company on OCT 19, 2015, based on current report no. 21/2015
(5) According to the notification received by the Company on SEP 18, 2023, based on current report no. 28/2023