We hold certifications confirming that the quality management system in our company meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The certifications were issued by: Alcumus ISOQAR, accredited by UKAS, and the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology, accredited by the Polish Accreditation Center.
Services within the scope of sale, design, production, implementation, maintenance and service of software, hardware sale in the following divisions:
We possess a certificate confirming that our business continuity management system meets the requirements of the ISO 22301:2019 standard. The certificate was issued by Alcumus ISOQAR, accredited by UKAS.
The business continuity management system in the scope of:
provided by the Systems Maintenance Division.
We hold certifications confirming compliance with the AQAP standards issued by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology. These certifications cover the Department of International Organizations and Solutions for the Security Sector.
AQAP 2110:2016 Certificate - Services in the field of sales, design, production, implementation, maintenance and service of software and sales of computer hardware.
AQAP 2210:2022 Certificate - Software development, reproduction, delivery and maintenance
We have a certificate confirming that our information security management system meets the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. The certifications were issued by Alcumus ISOQAR, accredited by UKAS.
Systems Maintenance Division
Information security management system in the scope of:
provided by the Systems Maintenance Division.
Data Processing Center
Information security management system in the scope of outsourcing services, including hosting, collocation, teleinformation infrastructure management and cloud computing in the Data Processing Center.
Government Administration Division
Information Security Management System in the scope of:
provided by the Government Administration Division.
Energy and Gas Division
Information Security Management System in the scope of:
carried out by the Energy and Gas Division.
We hold a certificate confirming that our environmental management system meets the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard. The certificate was issued by: Alcumus ISOQAR, accredited by UKAS.
Policy objectives
The aim of the environmental policy is to ensure sustainable development of the enterprise, including improvement of the environmental effects of its activities, in such a way that the conducted activities have a minimal negative impact on the natural environment and are consistent with the law and adopted standards for fulfilling environmental obligations.
The Company's strategic goals are: reducing CO2 emissions in the area of electricity and reducing the amount of paper used.
The specific goals are: reducing the carbon footprint of the car fleet by investing in an eco-fleet and reducing the consumption of natural resources by extending the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment.
Declaration of the Management Board
Management Board of Asseco Poland S.A. introduces an environmental policy and declares compliance with legal provisions regulating environmental protection and compliance with the requirements defined by other environmental protection standards.
Implementation guidelines
Environmental policy of Asseco Poland S.A. is carried out through an implemented and constantly improved environmental management system developed based on the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems standard. The scope of certification for compliance with the standard includes: the headquarters of Asseco Poland S.A. in Rzeszów, at ul. Olchowa 14 in the field of products/services: sales, design, production, implementation, maintenance and service of software, sales of computer hardware, installation works and repairs and maintenance of devices.
The Management Board's representative for the environmental management system, appointed by the Management Board and indicated in the organizational regulations of Asseco Poland S.A., is responsible for the maintenance and certification of the system.
The principles of operation of the environmental management system are described in the "Book of the environmental management system".
/Valid from: 2022/09/08, v. 2.6/
Sales, design, manufacture, implementation, maintenance and service of software, sales of computer hardware, installation work and repair and maintenance of equipment.
The organization implements the above activities for the banking, healthcare, social security, public administration, security, and the capital market, telecommunications, media, agriculture, as well as energy and gas sectors.
The scope of the system covers location in Rzeszów at Olchowa 14.
We have a WSK certificate issued by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology, confirming the company's capability to legally trade goods and services of strategic significance.
Information about the tax strategy implemented for the year 2021
Informacja o realizowanej strategii podatkowej za rok 2022
Information about the implemented tax strategy for 2021
Information about the tax strategy implemented for the year 2020