AMMS - Asseco Medical Management Solutions
An integrated and comprehensive system for hospitals and clinics.
User friendly |
Customizable to individual needs. |
Mobile access to and exchange of data |
Safe flow of medical information |
Created to support electronic medical records |
Integrated in activities of hospitals and clinics |
Functional area
Movement of patients: Admissions, Statistics, ER |
Finance, Accounting, Sales, Purchases, Cash, and Recovery Records |
Management information system/SIZ focuses mainly on creating reports or statements, based on data collected in the medical system (HIS) and administrative (ERP) system
Third party integrations
Anatol Majcher
SP ZOZ w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu
The team Asseco showed large exposures and professionalism the implementation of the system AMMS. We recommend the company Asseco Poland SA as a credible and reliable partners in the implementation of information systems.
Case Study
Szpital Miejski w Zabrzu
Asseco zadbało o pacjentów w Zabrzu
SPZOZ Szpital Powiatowy w Brzesku
System Informatyczny Pacjenci Brzesko
Centrum Pediatrii i Onkologii w Chorzowie
Skuteczniejsze leczenie pacjentów dzięki informatyzacji
The Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital
Infant Jesus Clinic - Comprehensive Computerization