Asseco AML is a system included in the Asseco Integrated Analytical Platform (Asseco IAP) which allows efficient handling of processes in the area of Compliance.
Asseco Anti-Money Laundering (Asseco AML) is a solution which allows obliged institutions to meet the requirements of the act on counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism. The basic role of the system is a comprehensive analysis of financial transactions which allows to prevent possible money laundering. The verification processes are done in online mode which allows efficient identification and immediate suspension of suspicious transactions along with generating an alert for the operator.
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The system generates reports containing information on selected transactions. Each of the registered transactions is subject to a validation process, which guarantees the compliance of the report with the requirements imposed by the regulator.
The system is equipped with a set of business rules that allows identification of transactions above the threshold, related transactions and suspicious transactions. The solution enables the creation of a customer behavior pattern in the context of transactions carried out by him, aimed at the detection of abnormal activities.
Customer risk assessment
The system allows the customer to be assessed for their susceptibility to money laundering. It generates individual AML reports, containing a list of studied factors and the final risk assessment. The flexible design of the customer risk assessment model allows the user to efficiently modify and optimize processes and adapt them to the individual needs of the institution.
Comprehensive verification
Asseco AML provides verification of customers and transactions in terms of their presence on blacklists or whitelists and in the PEP database (Politically Exposed Person). It can be carried out both online and offline. Efficient real-time analysis results in the quick identification and immediate suspension of suspicious transactions.
The system can work in a completely automatic manner, thanks to which the intervention of the user is required only in the case of identifying unusual transactions. It results in their suspensions and informing the operator about that.
Key benefits
Reducing the cost connected with the handling of the transaction identification process.
Immediate preventive actions.
Compliance with the current legal procedures.
Quick adjustment of the system to the needs of the institution.
Full process automation.
Quick reporting.
Technology stack
Programming languages and main frameworks
Application servers
Integration standard
DB2DB, File, Web Service
Web browsers supported
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
We invite you to contact us
If you have questions regarding the implementation of our solutions or would like to seek advice in the area of Compliance, please write to us:
Asseco ranked 1st in as many as 7 categories of this year's "ITwiz Best 100" report summarizing the results for 2017. The company is the leader in terms of sales revenues on the Polish market.
Administratorem Pani/Pana danych jest Asseco Poland S.A. z siedzibą w Rzeszowie przy ul. Olchowej 14, 35-322 Rzeszów (administrator).
Informujemy, że podanie danych osobowych zawartych w formularzu jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do realizacji zapytania objętego formularzem, oraz że nie podejmujemy decyzji w sposób zautomatyzowany i Pani/Pana dane nie są profilowane. Przysługuje nam prawo przetwarzania Pani/Pana danych na podstawie naszego prawnie uzasadnionego interesu jako administratora danych, w celach opisanych w Polityce Prywatności Asseco Poland S.A.
Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do Pani/Pana danych oraz prawo żądania ich sprostowania, przenoszenia, usunięcia lub ograniczenia ich przetwarzania oraz wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania.
Przysługuje Pani/Panu również prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego zajmującego się ochroną danych osobowych.
Pani/Pana dane mogą być przekazywane podmiotom przetwarzającym dane osobowe na zlecenie administratora, • podmiotom prowadzącym działalność pocztową lub kurierską, • podmiotom wspierającym administratora w prowadzonej działalności na jego zlecenie, w szczególności dostawcom zewnętrznych systemów wspierającym działalność administratora, przy czym takie podmioty przetwarzają dane na podstawie umowy z administratorem i wyłącznie zgodnie z poleceniami administratora.
W celu skorzystania z powyższych praw należy skontaktować się z administratorem danych lub z inspektorem ochrony danych na adres [email protected]