The Alior Bank Broker Office runs its business on the basis of a permit issued by Polish Financial Supervision Authority on September 5th, 2008. It is a direct participant of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It acts as a financially and organizationally separate unit within Alior Bank.
From the beginning of its activities the Alior Bank Broker Office renders comprehensive services at the capital market focusing on professionalism, innovativeness, security and politeness of service as well as on development of alternative channels of distribution.
It has one of the biggest networks of branches offering broker services which are available at Alior Bank. Comprehensive broker services are also rendered through a specialist Contact Center and through the System of Internet Banking.
The Alior Bank Broker Office internet solution is fully integrated with bank solutions. Alior Bank Clients use the Internet Banking System which combines bank and broker functionalities. As a result, they can manage financial resources through one safe and functional internet platform. Cash deposits to and withdrawals from a broker account are possible both through a system of internet transfers and through all bank tellers in each Alior Bank branch. Thus the office guarantees a simple and fast way of crediting and debiting a broker account.
The Alior Bank Broker Office proved to be the best in a ranking of Customer service quality drawn up by Dive-AdHoc at the order of Puls Biznesu. The ranking has been drawn up on the basis of the first research on the Polish market which measured the quality of investors service using the mystery client method. The Broker Office has also won the last- year ranking of brokers for individual investors drawn up by the Association of Individual Investors and the editors of Forbes, gaining a title of “The Best Broker of Individual Investors”.
The Alior Bank Broker Office develops at an amazing pace. Till the end of 2010, the Alior Bank Broker Office wants to have 40 thousand new accounts. A broker specializing in services for small investors considers also starting their own activities as animators.
The project covered implementation of a core broker system PROMAK Plus fully integrated with the banking account.
PROMAK Plus is a modern system ensuring a comprehensive maintenance of the broker’s office activities at the secondary market of national and foreign publicly traded financial instruments. Due to complex interfaces for external systems (Stock Exchange, National Depository for Securities, banking systems), the system ensures integration of access to services and exchange of information online with keeping time regimes – among others through an in-house developed solution – Interface ePMI, responsible for access to broker services of the Alior Bank Broker Office through channel systems implemented by other deliverers (call center, Internet). The ePMI interface enables a Client of the Broker Office an automatic use of financial resources gathered on the bank account.
The system is in concord with an Act of July 29th, 2005 on Sale of Financial Instruments, a Regulation of the Minister of Finance of December 28th, 2005 on Course and Conditions of Investment Companies Actions and Trust Banks and an Act of July 26th, 1991 on Personal Income Tax.
The system has a comprehensive reporting module which enables printing any documents both for the needs of Customer service and the needs of the Office as well as documents required by applicable rules of law. The greatest advantages of the system are broad parameters and definability which are characteristic for most of contracts, annexes, accounting documents, and reports generated in the system. The system enables any configuration of the accounting module depending on the organization of the broker office’s work. One of its advantages is the ability to redefine the plan of financial accounts.
The PROMAK Plus system is constantly developed from the point of view of supporting business processes taking place in the broker office within a range not smaller than the one establishing standards and the popular Promak system. It is, however – because new technologies were applied – a more universal product, easier to change and modernize.
One of the most important benefits which was achieved owing to this project is a full integration of banking and broker services offered by Alior. Implementation of this solution made it possible for the Alior Bank Broker Office to gain the trust of over
12,500 active individual investors within a year from starting its activities. Within this period of time the number of accounts, counted year by year, increased by 14,793%. Consequently, the share of the Broker Office in the turnover at the Warsaw Stock Exchange grows as well. At present, the Broker Office has a stable position among brokers acting at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.