Asseco summarizes the #AssecoHelpsChildren charity campaign, whose aim was to support students most in need in accessing knowledge. Out of more than 1300 applications, the jury selected children and youths to whom 300 laptops together with mobile Internet are now distributed. The Podkarpackie Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross is involved in the campaign, with the Mayor of Rzeszów and the Marshal of the Podkarpackie voivodeship supporting it as partners.

Remote education is one of the challenges we have faced during the pandemic. As of December 20, students are once again switching to this mode of learning, and for many, this means exclusion from access to knowledge. The enormity of this problem was also revealed in the submissions received as part of the campaign. The committee analyzed more than 1300 applications, out of which 300 students were selected to receive new laptops from Asseco. Applications confirmed by teachers and school directors came from all over Podkarpacie region.

The transition of students to distance learning obviously involved the need to purchase many computers to put young people in contact with teachers and peers. Although the financial situation of Polish families has improved considerably in recent years, many of them could hardly afford such expenses, especially families with many children. Therefore, I am glad that as many as 300 laptops with mobile Internet access have been given to schoolchildren most in need in Podkarpacie under the Asseco's charity project. This is a great and necessary support for children and youth in accessing knowledge, and thus an investment in their and our common future, said Władysław Ortyl, Marshal of the Podkarpackie voivodeship.
I am very happy that children in need will receive computers with internet access. I would like to thank everyone involved in this undertaking. I would like to thank the Mayor's Office, the director of the Municipal Social Assistance Centre, the director of the Education Department of the Rzeszów City Hall who put a lot of work and heart into these activities - said Konrad Fijołek, the Mayor of Rzeszów.

The computers have been donated by Asseco Poland S.A. from Rzeszów, celebrating its 30th anniversary of business operations. Internet access is provided by the Plus mobile network operator. The equipment is donated to children and youth through the Podkarpackie Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross and its cooperating local branches.

Asseco was founded 30 years ago out of passion for creating something new and the need to make dreams come true. And this desire to explore the world has stayed with us until today. In today's world, education, development and the pursuit of passions that are so close to my heart without access to a computer or the Internet are basically impossible. Therefore, we have decided to support children and young people most in need from Rzeszów and the entire Podkarpacie region and donate the equipment which will give them the opportunity to learn, develop their interests and give them a chance for a better future. I am very pleased with the support given to our initiative by the local authorities, i.e. the Marshal of Podkarpackie Voivodeship and the Mayor of the City of Rzeszów, as well as by the Rzeszów Polish Red Cross. I am proud that together we could do something good for the residents of our city and region, says Adam Góral, President of Asseco Poland.
The more than 1,300 submissions we received and thoroughly analyzed pointed us to stories we were aware of, but also stories we didn't know about up until now. Thanks to our involvement in the #AssecoHelpsChildren campaign, we will be able to support more families and get to know them even better. All branches of the Podkarpackie Polish Red Cross are in the process of delivering equipment to selected students from Rzeszów and the voivodeship. We are trying to act as efficiently as possible, as we are aware that reintroduced remote learning often means skipping classes, and equal opportunities in access to knowledge are crucial for education and development - adds Maciej Maruszak, Director of the Podkarpackie Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross.

The donation and distribution of the equipment to selected students began on December 17 and will continue for the next few weeks.