Asseco was included in the Index H&M 500, a list of trustworthy companies prepared by the editors of Home&Market monthly. The company was recognized for the creation and implementation of innovative solutions that support social development and the environment.
The purpose of the ranking is to identify companies that balance their activities with care for the environment and social relations. Asseco's strategy is defined by the following motto: “We think globally, act locally”. The company takes a responsible approach to business and is guided by local patriotism; therefore, among other things, Asseco companies pay taxes in the places where revenues are generated and support local communities.
One of such initiatives was the #AssecoHelpsChildren campaign organized in 2021 together with the Podkarpackie Regional Branch of the Polish Red Cross, under which 300 laptops were provided for the 30th anniversary of Asseco. Its objective was to support the most needy pupils in their access to knowledge and further education by providing them with 300 laptops with mobile Internet access from the Plus network. It was addressed to the most needy and ambitious students of primary and secondary schools who live and learn in Rzeszów or the Podkarpackie region.
In addition, Asseco organizes an annual charity campaign "We Bring Help", under which since 2013 it has donated a total of more than PLN 1.7 million to the needy, and 2 thousand employees have participated in the project. With these funds, it was possible to help about 5.1 thousand children and 130 families.
Asseco, which for many years has been providing IT solutions that not only make life easier for customers and citizens using digital services, but also make the digital world more efficient and secure, has also launched the #BusinessWithoutPaper initiative. It consists in conducting activities aimed at reducing paper consumption by promoting and supporting projects aimed at developing digital services.