Individual investors recognized Asseco as the best communicating company with the market in a survey of investor relations of companies in the WIG30 index. The list was prepared by the Parkiet daily. Asseco scored 4.4 points in it, which the editors stressed was an impressive result. The company also received high marks from institutional investors and analysts. Overall, Asseco scored the most points in the entire survey.
Good IR is about dialogue, seeking feedback. Talking to investors is key, which allows us to profile communications accordingly. This allows us to know in which direction we should conduct our activities. We try to participate in numerous events, which give us an invaluable opportunity to interact with individual and professional investors. Any investor can attend our result conferences, including online. We have a presence and ongoing communication in social media. We strongly believe that proactive actions and feedback are the key to having valuable relationships with investors, said Joanna Paczkowska-Tatomir, Head of Investor Relations (IR), Asseco Poland.
Asseco is committed to continuous and open communication with market representatives. The IR team is an "information center" for both institutional and individual investors. Given the scale of the Asseco Group's operations, it is extremely important for this unit to cooperate with other departments and companies in the capital group and to be able to communicate information in a way that is understandable and satisfactory to the market.
Asseco was rated very highly by all investors in the Parkiet survey. Both in the section aimed at individual investors and financial institutions, it scored above the average rating, with significantly higher marks from individual investors than the companies ranked next.
People working in IR teams combine soft and hard skills. They should be fluent in the world of numbers, and at the same time have the competence to build relationships with the world of investors, equally institutional and individual, concluded Joanna Paczkowska-Tatomir.