, said Maciej Woźniak, Vice-President of PGNiG SA for Commercial Affairs.

The main part of the contract to be executed by Asseco Poland involves, among others, developing a new dedicated, redundant technical infrastructure (ensuring full business continuity management) and migrating all PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny's customers, including the history of settlements from 98 instances of databases within the framework of 4 different billing solutions currently in place, to one central system. During this time, the provision of services to PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny's customers will be uninterrupted. Under the signed contract, the supplier will also transfer all source codes to the system and will provide full maintenance service for a period of 5 years from the date of the completion of the system implementation.
The solution, fully scalable, will provide together with the CRM system comprehensive support for sales and customer service on the mass market. The processes will be fully centralized and unified, which will result in more efficient management of the country's largest database of gas contracts.

The contract we are going to execute for PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny is a complex project on a very large scale. As a result, the largest gas supplier in Poland will gain one of the most modern solutions on the market, fully adapted to the challenges of the digital economy. The system will make it possible for the company to create new innovative products for its customers, reduce operating costs and adapt quickly to changes. Asseco has a unique and long-standing experience in managing large scale system transformations, data migration and implementation of Billing & CIS systems. An example are the projects carried out for the largest power suppliers in Poland, said Paweł Piwowar, Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland.

The Central Billing System will operate on the basis of the functionalities offered by Asseco Utility Management Solutions Billing & CIS. AUMS is a technologically advanced solution, allowing for mass and cyclical settlement of gas fuel, electricity, as well as other products and services.