ADSM Project

R&D Projects
Investment projects
Obraz zawierający zrzut ekranu, Majorelle blueOpis wygenerowany automatycznie

“Research into the application of Internet-of-Things technology and the development of control models utilizing various devices, including home batteries and electric vehicles, and their implementation in a prototype of the Asseco Demand Side Management (ADSM) system for conducting regulation processes across a wide range of domain-specific systems.” (ADSM)

  • This project was implemented under the Operational Programme for Intelligent Development 2014-2020,
  • Priority Axis I: Support for R&D activities by enterprises,
  • Measure 1.2: “Sectoral R&D Programs”, Sectoral Program PBSE,
  • Project no: POIR.01.02.00-00-0331/16,
  • Grant Agreement No: POIR.01.02.00-00-0331/16-00,
  • Date of the grant agreement: 9/18/2017.

The aim of the ADSM system prototype is to prevent blackouts in the electrical system and reduce overall system balancing costs. The system can also help lower the costs of energy purchases needed to meet customer demands by Energy Sellers.

This will enhance the reliability of the electrical system and prevent voltage drops in the distribution network during times of increased electrical demand, such as during prolonged heat waves.

  • Project implementation period: 07/01/2017 – 05/01/2021
  • Total project expenditures: PLN 6,612,889.25
  • Value of eligible expenses: PLN 6,612,889.25
  • Funding amount: PLN 2,746,944.67

Description of the study

The project conducted by the Energy and Gas Division focused on research into controlling the power usage of devices that receive electrical energy using Internet-of-Things technology, and developing methods to influence the power consumption of electric energy consumers.

A key feature of the Asseco Demand Side Management system is its capability to regulate electricity demand, not by turning off consumers' devices but by “taking control” of them and flexibly reducing their power draw.

The project's research involved developing new methods to influence power consumption while maintaining the continuity of business operations, such as leveraging temperature retention in industrial refrigeration systems. The project investigated the most effective reward mechanisms for regulation participants, which would maximize the process's efficiency and flexibility by drawing in new partners and increasing the regulation volume.

From the research findings, detailed algorithms for regulation were developed and implemented in the ADSM system prototype. Once the Power Market launches in Poland, the system could be adapted into a tool for executing regulatory commands from the power market and for settling its participants.

Beyond the primary system used for planning the regulation process, modeling regulatory algorithms, registering regulated devices, and settling process participants, mobile apps were also developed for communicating with receiver devices, along with a platform for distributing these apps.