Asseco Group companies are beginning to implement new international projects in the energy sector. Tecsisa from Spain has signed a global agreement to expand its existing cooperation with worldwide Italian energy group...
PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny has concluded an agreement with Asseco Poland for the development and implementation of the Central Billing System (CSB). The solution will improve the quality and shorten the time of service for...
Asseco has acquired a 51% stake in the Spanish company Tecsisa, which provides IT solutions for the power sector. It currently operates in Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and Argentina and has growth prospects in other...
Asseco has signed an agreement with PGE Dystrybucja and PGE Systemy for the provision of maintenance and development services for the billing systems HandelMax and EnergOS. The total value of the contracts amounts to PLN...
Asseco Poland and Oracle Corporation have concluded an agreement under which Asseco's state-of-the-art applications for the utilities sector will be sold in the Oracle cloud. The solutions from the Asseco Utility...
At this year's „E-world Energy &Water” trade fair in Essen, the Asseco Group will present its latest solutions for the power sector. Asseco Poland's and Asseco BERIT's experts will present, among others, software for...
During the international trade fair European Utility Week in Vienna, which took place on November 6-8, 2018, Asseco's experts presented the latest solutions for the power sector from the AUMS and SAMO lines. The event...
Asseco will provide an integrated power grid information system (iNIS) for Stromnetz Hamburg - the second-largest operator of the municipal energy distribution network in Germany. The implementation will be based on the...
The quality of customer service is one of the key factors which determines the competitive advantage of companies, also from the energy sector. Creating positive experiences, taking care of details in contact with...
On April 3-6, 2018, Asseco Poland and telecom-operator velcom from the Austria Telekom Group will take part in the international Water&Heat trade fair, which will be held in Minsk, Belarus. The event is addressed to...
Administratorem Pani/Pana danych jest Asseco Poland S.A. z siedzibą w Rzeszowie przy ul. Olchowej 14, 35-322 Rzeszów (administrator).
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Przysługuje Pani/Panu również prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego zajmującego się ochroną danych osobowych.
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